Call for Tutorials

ICWE 2016 invites proposals for tutorials that will provide conference participants with the opportunity to learn about a broad range of topics related to Web engineering. Ideally, tutorials should be suitable for both researchers and practitioners, and we particularly encourage proposals dealing with technologies, methods and frameworks widely used in practice as well as those addressing emerging research topics.

Tutorials can run for either half a day (3 hours) or a full day (6 hours).

Important Dates for Tutorial Proposals

  • submission: 30 January 2016
  • notification: 15 February 2016

Accepted Tutorials may still be canceled if the number of registrations for them is very small.

Submission Instructions

Proposals must be no more than 3 pages in length and should provide a sense of both the scope of the tutorial and the depth of material to be covered. They should also clearly indicate what the intended audience would be and any assumed background. If the tutorial has been held previously, the proposal should state where, when, and how many people attended it as well as how it would be tailored for ICWE2016.

The proposal should include short biographies of the presenters, clearly indicating their previous experience of giving tutorials or presentations. Links to previous presentation materials or videos may be included to help demonstrate presentation skills.

Tutorial proposals should include the following information:

  • Title of the Tutorial;
  • Expected length of the Tutorial (full day - 6 hours, half day - 3 hours);
  • Contact information of the presenters: name, affiliation, email and web site;
  • Abstract outlining the goals and content of the tutorial in no more than 250 words;
  • Statement of intended audience and assumed background knowledge;
  • Detailed description of topics to be covered, concrete objectives and learning outcomes as well as the structure of the tutorial;
  • Biographies of presenters including information about their expertise relevant to the tutorial;
  • Any references to the work of the presenters or others relevant to the tutorial;
  • Statement about any previous related tutorial presentations, including information about how the ICWE2016 tutorial would differ;
  • Sample slides of the tutorial, if available;
  • Optionally, links to any previous presentation slides or videos that could be used to demonstrate the proposers’ presentation skills.

Proposals must be in PDF format and submitted electronically via Easychair

Along with a notification of acceptance, presenters will receive further instructions on how to prepare a two-page summary of the tutorial to be included in the conference proceedings, tutorial notes to be made available on the conference website, and a brief biography to be published in the conference program.

Tutorial Chairs
